Hey everyone! Long time no talk! Things are going good here considering two weeks until semester is over and then it is Christmas Break! I am so incredibly excited to come home for more than 5 days. I expect that Christmas break will be good with time to see friends, NO homework, and NO Old Navy. I officially quit for those who don't know. Things are really busy here finishing up everything, but I know I will feel amazing when it is all done.
Well, the point of writing this is to let you all know of something I involved in. I am in an acting production series called Ten Ten Ten. What it is, is 10 shows that are 10 minutes long performed at 10:10 pm. There are 9 (usually ten) shows and I am in one of them! They are performed over a two night span. So 5 one night and 4 the next. I am in one called TAPE and I perform this Wednesday the 5 and Friday the 7th, and I think you all should come. It is completely free and will be fun to watch. I totally get to be cruel and mean and it is extremely fun. So if you want to see me as some supernatural, cruel, unhuman being, then you should come!
Let me know and I can give you the details on where it is on campus.
I hope you can make it!