Friday, May 4, 2007

Pain Hurts, that is probably why it is called pain

So today it hit me that I keep getting disappointed by my friends. I am at a point where I can't tell when they are lying to me even. Today it really hurt to find out one of them is actually keeping a big part of their life hidden from me. I don't understand why. I haven't done anything to any of my friends. I have always been completely open with them all. I would never judge them or hurt them. I will always be there for them through anything. So why are they hiding stuff from me to keep away the pain when really it is just causing more pain?


Zacky said...

That sounds tough. It is difficult to reveal certain things sometimes because saying them out loud can make them seem more real as opposed to if we just don't talk about it then it might as well not be real. Encouraging this person to share and sharing is usuall a good idea but it looks like you already knew that. I wish you the best in what ever it is that is being kept from you. Pain does hurt.

Kristiny-Head said...

I am open to listening and thats all I wanted to do...was can I do that if no one will talk?