When asked what one thing makes people between the age of 13 and 24 most happy, 20 percent mentioned spending time with family — more than anything else. About three-quarters — 73 percent — said their relationship with their parents makes them happy. After family, it was relationships with friends that people mentioned most and then relationships with significant others. Religion followed up close behind.
This is an excerpt from an article on MSN about what makes youth truly happy. I wanted to point this out for a couple of reasons and first and foremost because of how interesting it is. Most adults would assumed the cliche sex, drugs, and alcohol and all that partying would make teens happy but the statistics show that activities like sex actually showed teens to be less happy. How many of you expected to see parents and family at the top of the list though?
One thing I have experienced in my life and seen so often through my friends is how little time we spend at home. We are always with our friends and trying to leave home. We believe that being away from our parents will make us happier but after reading this article and spending the day with my parents I see something different. I am not saying that spending time with Zack or other friends doesn't make me happy because it does! But the happiness from really getting along with my parents and spending the day with them was different. On Sunday I went to Enchanted Forest with them and it was so much fun!
I can be happy away from friends and it is a completely different feeling. Knowing that no matter what I do my parents will always love me and care for me is a relief. If one thinks about it, it isn't the same with our friends. We would like to believe that no matter what happens or how our lives change through the year that we can always be friends, but it doesn't happen like that. I learned that this year. The truth is we have pressure. We have pressure from our friends to make sure we don't upset each other or disagree too often or we might lose our friendship. We have to make a daily effort to communicate with one another or our friendship might slip away. No wonder friends is not the number one thing that makes teens happy. Don't you so how much pressure there really is? With our family or parents though, if you fight you will forgive, if you don't talk for a day-you don't assume they have something against you- THEY WILL ALWAYS BE THERE NO MATTER WHAT!
I have seen lately so many of my friends hurting for different reasons and it just supports this theory. I have one friend who seems so often hurt by there friends that they always seems angry or upset. What doesn't help is that they don't have a great relationship with their family either. Not having that relationship with their family first and then the imbalance of their friends seems to make for a stressful life. I know someone else that doesn't have a good relationship with their family and it seems to hurt them and their morale as well.
I know there are different reasons for all of this, whether it be a bad childhood, divorce, lack of communication, or w/e but it can't be ignored. The one thing that is really sad is sometimes the parents don't realize the way their teens need them. It might be the complete opposite, the kids are home but the parents aren't. I often feel like we live in a sad generation where family and the relationships within are not looked at as important. Or if they are looked at as important, they have a distorted image. It can't always be blamed on the teen, and so in that case I wish the parents would open up their eyes as well and see what is happening to their family around them.
I guess my point is, is that as teens we often think that we don't need our family or parents. We are growing up and need our friends more than anything. I have come to realize though that first and foremost I need my parents and family to keep me happy. Then my friends and other loved ones. If it is possible for you, try to work on that first connection because somehow without the stress of hurting your parents or of knowing the continuous love they offer you, it can brighten up your day or your life and allow you to create happiness elsewhere as well.
Well Kris i agree. I understand what you are taking about because i do not have a relationship with my family and i have always been jealous of yours. That is why it is so easy to talk to you mom instead of mine. My dad is doing an ok job but somethings are hard to talk to him about. You prob know. I just hope one day my mom would open her eyes one day and see what she is doing to me inside and out. I needed her for many years and she wasn't there. All i can say is thanks for standing by me all this time. Your blog made me cry, thanks, jk. I love you! Night...Colie
I love how you can always put the truth out there in a matter of fact way. Kudos to you for the blog and it is definitly encouraging to reconsider where I am at with my family. Thanks.
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