So I graduated on Monday and it is a weird thing to think about. One always imagines going to their ceremony and then feeling dramatically different afterwards but it doesn't really happen like that. It feels the same to me and I expect that in a couple months I will be heading back to Beaverton and seeing all the same people again. It won't be like this though. When I was walking off the stage after shaking hands with a few district managers and accepting my diploma from the principal, the main district manager shook my hand and said to me "Have a nice life" I walked away snickering because it made me feel like I was dying or something. My brother later pointed out to me though..."Kristin, he was speaking the truth, your like starts here." My life starts here? What the crap does that mean? Didn't my life already start? I mean I have awesome friends and family who came to my graduation and made me feel like one of the most loved people graduating. I have an amazing boyfriend who I hope to spend my future with. I know what school I am going to and what I want to become. My life starts here? It sounds like my life is supposed to start over or something and that isn't happening, it is just continuing. Yes things will change with college but I don't understand and I don't really want to understand to be honest. So I guess I will just take it one day at a time and look at my life with the perspective I want to. I will laugh when I want to, I will cry when I need to, I will be mature when I need to, and act like a five year old when I want to. I will go where I have to but always come back when I want to...I will make my life continue and not be scared of a new beginning but be excited for a continued journey.
1 comment:
I think that is an awesome way to be. I am glad that you are happy with who you are since you are so awesome and that you are open to change because you can always become even more awesome (even though it is hard to comprehend)! I pray that you will have all the room you need to be your full awesomeness for the "continuation" of your life.
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