Sunday, September 30, 2007

Alone in the Rain

It is early in the morning
And there is one thing I can’t quit doing
That is thinking of you

Whether I distract myself
Or choose to give in
It doesn’t stop

It upsets me sometimes

I hate feeling hurt and sad
And yet there are those moments that are unbelievable
It is those other moments that bring everything down
Those times are cold

They are numbing
They are unbearable

And yet they have to happen,
How can anyone know how strong they are
If they only go through the easy times
How can anyone know the love they have

The love they hold

Unless they are forced to bear it
Forced to question it

Questioning can make you stronger
So I guess my point is

It hurts
Its cold
The confusion

The miscommunication
The Silence

It is like rain
And yet it isn’t something to hide from
It is something to embrace
Something that as broken as it can make you feel
The tears that it can make fall
It will prevent in the future

It will heal
It will make stronger
It will warm


Zacky said...

I Love You. I will hold on as long as you are willing to allow me to. I Love You.

Mindy said...

Don't feel so alone!!!