So I have a point to saying this. I feel like this is what is happening with me. The fire within me is anger. I am so easily angered right now. I am sorry if I have taken it out on you. I am just not sure what to do at this point. I get angered if I hear about something I didn't know. I get angered if things don't go my way. I even get angered when good things happen for other people because I don't seem to have that "luck." I guess that could also be jealousy. What am I to do? I really hope I can figure this out before the fire within me completely destroys me like that wood up above. I hope I can find my water before it is too late and I am completely destroyed.
And just for anyone who chooses to comment with "Give your anger to God," I already know that thanks, it just isn't that easy for me.
But do you WANT to change? Do you not like the anger? Do you not become angry because it is simply easy? Is it not simple to burn? The land is more easily burned than drowned. You are strong. Sorrow does not easily overcome you like anger does. Yet, you would propose to relieve yourself of this consuming habit. You ask how you can get rid of anger.
What you should REALLY be asking is how might you be at peace?
How might you give yourself but one moment of silence when you need it? All things bear fruit and the fruit of silence is prayer. The fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, and the fruit of love... is service. What can YOU do to bring silence, peace to your world?
Perhaps, she will only know these answers after her fire consumes her. It is through failure that we learn our greatest lessons.
Ah, but you see, she identifies her problem, leaving her feeling guilty and accountable for her actions. She already knows the answers to all of her questions. She needs only to apply them to herself through strength of will and obedience to her cause. The real question is, will she do that?
I would like to know who you are
Give your anger to God
I know you probably already realize this, but the only way to have God take the anger from you is to give him every part of your life. If you don't then whatever part you are controling may still harbor anger.
"I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give. It isn't like the peace that this world can give..." John 14:27
In the respect of her faith, you are correct, however, do understand that she needs to learn and practice this discipline on her own. The more others show their piousness through advice, the more she may be turned away from finding her (and your) desired outcome.
Thank you for the advice and opinions of all of you. Some of it was hard to follow while other was insightful.It is interesting to think of focusing on peace rather than anger. It is interesting to look at it from a different perspective. To you who are interested I am trying to talk to God more and let go of my anger when it is irrational and I have been experiencing a difference in my attitude.
Although to you who are reading this and signed "Anonymous" I would really like to know who you are. I am interested to know who is so invested in my well-being and I have not known it. I just think signing "anonymous" is a way of hiding yourself and your opinions and there is no need for anyone here to hide. Everyone said valid things and I would actually like to discuss this with a few of you. It is hard though when I do not know who you are. If you are willing to tell me here then please do. Otherwise e-mail me at purplekitti@msn.com. Thanks.
Wow, all of the anonymous people are kinda creepy. They have a point, but still creepy.
Kristin, I won't say I know what is going on with you but I am going to give it a shot.
I believe that the reason you might be getting really angry lately is that you feel a little out of control. Everything you listed had to do with steering your life or the lives of others. Things are changing for us right now. We're on the verge of being adults but we're stuck in a kind of limbo until college starts. You probably feel a little helpless that the world is spinning and you feel like you're standing still. At least that's how I feel alot. The fire for me is a test. "Gold refined by fire". If you face your fire then you will come out prettier than any gold we've ever seen. I don't know how you are to do this. But I am just trying to give support and encouragement. I'm here if you ever need an ear.
and at least I put my name...
Wow. Totally didn't see your last comment, so ignore mine.
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