Thursday, July 23, 2009


I am not a risky person. I only do things when I know how they will turn out.

I want to take a step. A leap of faith is more like it. But I still fear the future. The unknown.

I pray for my answers. Sometimes I think I get them, but then I get confused and question it all over again.

Does it show more faith by patiently waiting and knowing the answer when it comes, or by jumping in and risking it?

Should this even be a risk? Maybe for someone like me, someone at this point, it is a risk. I am not like others, as we all know.

Faith, risk, or "patiently" wait?

You know...I really hate indecision and the unknown.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Because you ended that with a question, I assume you want answers.

I think that at this point you have done the patient and waiting for answers, and I feel like taking a leap and having faith that God will be with you no matter what happens is the better thing. Sometimes waiting for answers doesn't really happen because God wants us to figure it out, because he knows that we will do the right thing. I feel like after your leap and give it all you got, if something still feels totally off then maybe that is your answer. But I think you have to take the leap and believe that God will be there no matter what. :) Good luck deciding! I hope my answer maybe helps.