Friday, June 15, 2007
What do you think?
So after my graduation on Monday I went to a freakin sweet graduation party (if you will be a senior next year at BHS then I definitely recommend going to yours). There was loads of food and I mean good food too: Panda Express, Big Town Hero, pizza, chocolate fountains, snow cones, espresso bar, etc. We got to gamble, win cool, and when I say cool I mean really cool, prizes like laptops and stuff (of course I didn't win one) and go swimming and rock climb and see the most incredible hypnotist show ever! Well I am writing this because we also got to get fake tattoos. I got three and I wish I could have gotten more. I can defninitely understand why real tattoos are addicting because once I got one I wanted more in other locations too. I want a real tattoo! I have actually wanted one for multiple years and I always hoped I would get mine with Dad. Well he got one over a year ago on his 50th birthday and I am still waiting. Why you may ask? Because my mom is against it. I don't quite understand why...I think it is just because she thinks they are ugly and they could be put in a bad location where you can't hide them if you are trying to look elegant or something but that doesn't really bother me. After getting my fake ones I figured out that I like the idea of having one on my back but up towards/on a shoulder blade. I also liked the idea of having a cross there. I mean it isn't tacky or inappropriate and so I hope to get one one day. What do you think about my idea? Or just tattoos in general? Or do you have any cool designs for a cross that I could use one day?
My Life Starts Here?

So I graduated on Monday and it is a weird thing to think about. One always imagines going to their ceremony and then feeling dramatically different afterwards but it doesn't really happen like that. It feels the same to me and I expect that in a couple months I will be heading back to Beaverton and seeing all the same people again. It won't be like this though. When I was walking off the stage after shaking hands with a few district managers and accepting my diploma from the principal, the main district manager shook my hand and said to me "Have a nice life" I walked away snickering because it made me feel like I was dying or something. My brother later pointed out to me though..."Kristin, he was speaking the truth, your like starts here." My life starts here? What the crap does that mean? Didn't my life already start? I mean I have awesome friends and family who came to my graduation and made me feel like one of the most loved people graduating. I have an amazing boyfriend who I hope to spend my future with. I know what school I am going to and what I want to become. My life starts here? It sounds like my life is supposed to start over or something and that isn't happening, it is just continuing. Yes things will change with college but I don't understand and I don't really want to understand to be honest. So I guess I will just take it one day at a time and look at my life with the perspective I want to. I will laugh when I want to, I will cry when I need to, I will be mature when I need to, and act like a five year old when I want to. I will go where I have to but always come back when I want to...I will make my life continue and not be scared of a new beginning but be excited for a continued journey.
Monday, June 11, 2007
A Quick Post To Someone I Love

I sit here before I go to bed with thoughts in my head. To many of you, if not almost all, this will mean nothing so I promise to write something new soon. I just have a quick word to say. It will work. Yes things change but it is nothing to fear. I can change but it will not cause me to forget my past or the things I love. It can never make me forget the memories or dreams I have of you. Things will be fine. God will lead us where we are meant to go and we can only hope that he will be there with us both. We can only hope that he has the same future for us as we would like for ourselves. Do not fear, it will all be OK. Do not worry, do not be anxious. Do this for me please. I love you.
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