I am not really sure what I want to say in this so I will just see what comes out. I am terribly upset right now. Most people around me here probably wouldn't notice but I can definitely feel it inside. I don't particularly want to say what it is that I am upset about through a blog but if you ask then I might tell you. I would like to say hi to all my friends back home. I am sorry if I don't seem like I am making an effort to keep in touch while I am gone. I really do care about you guys and it isn't personal towards you. I have always had a character flaw where I just expect people to contact me instead of the other way around. I am sorry for that and I am not naive to it. It is a two way street though. I do want to say that I still care about you all and miss you a lot. Just because I am away at college it doesn't mean that everything is hunky dory. It is actually a lot harder to find friends you can really confide in then you would imagine. No friends here are like the ones I can trust back home. So yea I am dealing with some stuff so if any of you could pray for me then that would be amazing. Thanks for listening.